
Who is a woman who has inspired your career? #IWD25 

From an early age, my fascination with storytelling and journalism was profoundly influenced by four remarkable women: Jane Pauley, Judy Blume, my mother and my grandmother, affectionately known as Gramma. Their unique contributions to media, literature, and my personal upbringing have collectively shaped my career as a journalist.​

Jane Pauley
Growing up, while friends were captivated by cartoons, I found myself drawn to the world of news. Too young to really understand, I was drawn to Jane Pauley, a prominent figure in broadcast journalism. Her tenure as co-anchor of NBC's "Today" show from 1976 to 1989 showcased her dedication to delivering news with authenticity and grace and I watched religiously. Pauley's ability to navigate complex stories with empathy and professionalism resonated deeply with me. Her journey, from replacing Barbara Walters to becoming a role model for working mothers, exemplified resilience and commitment. ​

In third grade, inspired by her work, I penned a letter to Ms. Pauley, expressing my admiration and budding interest in journalism. To my delight, she responded with words of encouragement and even made it clear that she was writing the letter for me by specifically mentioning my dog, Pumpkin. Her gesture solidified my aspiration to pursue a career in journalism.

Judy Blume
Parallel to my interest in journalism was a love for storytelling, nurtured by the works of Judy Blume. Her candid exploration of adolescence in novels like "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret." and "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" provided a mirror to my own experiences growing up. My children now enjoy reading, mostly because of Judy Blume. Her storytelling emphasized authenticity and empathy, qualities I strive to incorporate into my own writing. ​

At the heart of my personal development was my grandmother, Gramma, whose mantra, "boring people get bored," became a guiding principle. She encouraged me to see the world as a canvas for creativity, urging me to write, explore, and never succumb to monotony. She saw art just about everywhere.

Gramma's unwavering support and belief in the value of perseverance instilled in me the confidence to pursue my passions, even in the face of challenges. Her wisdom taught me that curiosity and resilience are essential traits, enabling one to delve deeper into stories and approach each narrative with a fresh perspective.​

My Mom

My mother's unwavering commitment to raising my sister and me laid the foundation for my work ethic and creative pursuits. Balancing multiple responsibilities, she tirelessly ensured that my sister and I had the best opportunities, often sacrificing her own needs for ours. Her quick wit and gentle demeanor created a nurturing environment where humor and love flourished. Her patience and brilliance were evident in the way she navigated life's challenges, teaching us the importance of perseverance and adaptability. Her example demonstrated that creativity isn't confined to the arts; it's a way of approaching life with innovation and grace.

Reflecting on the Journey

Reflecting on my journey, I recognize that the seeds planted by my mother's dedication and creativity taught me the importance of hard work and innovative thinking. Jane Pauley's embodiment of journalistic integrity instilled in me the value of credibility and empathy in reporting. Judy Blume's storytelling highlighted the significance of connecting with audiences through relatable narratives. Gramma's encouragement and my mom’s unconditional support fostered a creative and resilient mindset, essential for life.

As I continue to navigate the world as a writer, I remain grateful for the inspiration they provided and endeavor to pass on these values to future generations of storytellers.​